By ignoring the symptoms the nail bed from the joseph's, and sooner or later a person begins to search for an answer to the question is addressed if it is started with the phase of the onychomycosis? It is unfortunate that many patients seek out the doctor with the bright colors and signs of the disease, when external defects are participating in physical pain, and the itching was almost unbearable. In this scenario, you expect to see for a long time that is difficult to treat, then it's not always a guaranteed positive outcome. The plate of your car, your bed, as well as the space underneath it is teeming with fungi and other micro-organisms pathogenic micro-organism. Are and the characteristics of the general surrounding of the victim, the place in the body, flake, blush, and get swollen, and gradually, the infection spreads all over them.

Treatment for a fingernail to joseph the run from a form's name means
Income therapy, a non-standard, may enter into the solution of the problem, but it is not applied independent of the method. Home of medicinal plants and natural products that help speed up the process of recovery.
Effective are the following tools:
- the vinegar from the nail to joseph. Perhaps the most popular of the struggle with onychomycosis. There are so many ways to use this product as a folk medicine, but by far the most effective is considered to be the gadgets in your base. In the mix in a clean container and 2 St's. l. cider vinegar, or to dinner, and 2 in Ot. l of vodka and 1 in Ot. l of glycerol. The ready-to-mix products of about 15 minutes to the pre-steamed the nail plate with the help of a cotton swab moistened. After a time the gauze to change it again, then again in a quarter of an hour, repeating the manipulation of the 4 times. The treatment of acetic acid and their accessories may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but don't worry you do not need to. The discomfort, which is gradually coming up. The therapy can be continued until the growth and health of the board.
- the iodine, when joseph's fingernails. This tool is a well-known action of anti-microbial, anti-microbial, and nanosaillYoshimi and transport properties of all of these criteria are necessary in the fight against onychomycosis. The alcohol solution of iodine is applied to the prepared nail plate, use 2 times a day. Maybe this is the beginning of the treatment, it will be followed by a write, and an increase of the itch, but don't worry, you don't need to — the feeling unpleasant-they mean that it works. The duration of therapy should not be shorter than 21 days, due to the risk of developing side effects.
- the hydrogen peroxide to the nail and joseph. And it's cheaper than it is in any of the home medicine cabinet, you may very well be used against the paraStEgitolwow onychomycosis, in the form of a joined-up approach. It disinfects, processed the tissue, and the saturation of oxygen, preventing normal life from the pathogenic agent of the disease. To get rid of this condition, you need to steam the foot in hot water and take it with your nail, the excess of the layer of the cornea. Then, attach it to the houses of the infection a piece of cloth, thoroughly soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide, and to secure the bandage. After about an hour of the clamp to take it off. Swabs with hydrogen peroxide it is recommended to run twice a day to cure.Also, the drug can be used in the method of professor Neumyvakina. The doctor insists that to receive the hydrogen peroxide, in conjunction with the side steps to get rid of onychomycosis with no destination, and anti-fungal tablets and gels. The tool is applied to a layout with more information on what you can learn from the many videos on the internet.
- the sulphate of copper of the nail and joseph. Apparently, it is a product that is used in the agricultural sector, and not for the treatment of humans, however, the comments do suggest that he is dealing with ringworm in any stage of its development. Based on this tool, it is possible to make an effective ointment to treat the affected by one of joseph's nail. For your kitchen, you need rusklele in a frying pan, dry-in, 1-St. l. sulphate of copper, until the color changes — it should be white. Then, the powder was mixed, in equal proportions, and the fat of the goose, and the medical ash product is placed into a vial is sterile and is subsequently stored in the refrigerator. Ointment to apply each day strictly to outbreaks of onychomycosis, will not affect the areas near the skin. The positive changes are evident within a week.
- the garlic, when joseph's fingernails. This plant is a well-known fungicide and sanitation, transport and real estate. As the natural antibiotic and contributes to the destruction of the pathogens in onychomycosis, in any way, a process of the disease. At the base, you can cook a very good treatment cream. Some of the paralCE of garlic, crushed with press, and mixed with an equal amount of butter. The drug is stored in the refrigerator. The cream is applied to areas of the nail bed on the couch, a victim of the infection, several times a day. A month later, the disease disappeared.
- fir oil from the nail by joseph. - The drug has anti-oxidants and anti-septic action. To cure them of onychomycosis, in the form of execution, it is possible for the condition of the system, the solution of the problems. A cotton-tipped swab moistened with fir oil, and attach it to a pre-steamed the nails in the boards, in 30 minutes, holding up a bandage. Then, remove the bandage and give the fabric to air dry. The treatment is to carry out on a daily basis until the disappearance of the signs of the disease.
- ChiStOTAl of the nail, joseph. There are a lot of recipes from this medicinal plant, but most effective, that is, a dye at the bottom. To cook it, it is very easy to do. With a soft, dry cloth or a baby gram ChiStOTAle to pour the alcohol in a ratio of 2:1. Insist on future medicine in the dark for a period of 12 days. When the medication is ready, filter paper, and start explaining and talking points-the nail affected by infection, but not more than 5 drops in a dish. The recommended treatment is 2 weeks. It is important to remember that a tool is toxic, therefore, is to deliberately increase the dosage of it should not be.
- tea tree oil to the nail and joseph. It is used in two ways -- baths, and ReStIra. In the first case, the acid is added to the hot water — 20 drops in 1 litre. the hands or the feet, go down on one oxygen in the liquid for about 20 minutes. In the second version of one part of tea tree oil, is introduced to two of any oil (olive, vegetable, and PR.) and picked up the tool and apply it on the nails that are affected. In both of these cases, the treatment is of not less than one month. The procedures can also be combined with each other.
- ammonia, nail, joseph. An effective and popular tool for onychomycosis, is a lotion of ammonia, and glycerin. The components are mixed together in equal quantities, and a glow in the bottle of the glass. The nail plate, and also the skin around them, and the spaces between the fingers, a grease obtained by mixing in the morning and in the evening. Also, the ammonia is added to the anklets baths, calculus 3 in Ot. l. 1 liter of water.
- the soda of your finger and joseph. Bicarbonate of soda, perhaps, in the further miniaturization and the option of at-home treatments onychomycosis. A substance that softens the nail plate, contributing to the utilizaçãolusiveNIJ, alleviation of the symptoms of the disease and the preparation of the fabric to the action of drug money. From the first part are left-trays and the plates of the mass, which is applied in the form of the application to the nails that are affected. Because of the repetition, when onychomycosis, an event is frequent, the therapy is continued until the growth of a healthy nail plate.

Laser therapy
The need for removal of the nail as is the case with other therapies for the impact they were wrong-headed. Even now, for all have been used in surgical procedures performed on an outpatient basis, and they were painful, but they can now be replaced by a laser beam. The method is completely safe, and while the procedure takes place only in the destruction of the cells of the mycelium, healthy tissues are not affected and will not be affected. The processing of personal data in a manner that is more efficient, and the signs of improve the condition of the nail can be noticed already after the first session. Throughout the course of laser therapy, when diagnosed as onychomycosis is in need of several things — usually at around four years. For them, he will remove the layers of the affected nail plate. The treatment by this method does not exclude the application of the open-air drug effect with an anti-fungal, and the completion of preventive procedures. The card is laser cut, not only partly, but fully, and, if the infection process has reached the deeper layers of the nail and the nerve endings, the therapy of local antimicotica does not bring any improvement.
The interactions with the tool, and the layout of the reception desk
The do not really need to often recently is the concept of "pulse therapy." According to this method, the medications of the nails to joseph, are used in the form of short exchanges with a long pause. Because of this, you can exclude the development of the undesirable reactions in the body, and also for accumulating in the tissues of the affected board, of a sufficient amount of the drug component, which, in spite of a break in the treatment, it will continue to perform a required action. The scheme of the therapy of onychomycosis depends upon the symptoms of the disease and its severity. During the execution condition is on, it should include the following:

- an oral assignment of the antifungal agents — pills or capsules;
- applying anti-fungal creams, gels, and varnish the outside
- the methods of treatment of traditional medicine;
- the removal of the nail plate with too much to destroy it.
Released joseph, but on the nail it is impossible to heal without drugs, intended to be used on the inside, that is, tablets and capsules. Getting in the gastrointestinal tract of man, which is easily absorbed into the total cost of the circulation of the blood, and exerting a powerful anti-fungal effect on the body.
The wing
By local antifungal, is also a very sought-after when you struggle with a persistent infection-one. Its applied directly on the outbreaks of the disease, and by following the tips in the guide will give you the instructions, 2 times a day until complete recovery. There are a popular ointment with a fungicide and a fungistatic effect.
Azole antifungals are lucky
They are attributed to the treatment of the nails, the dead, from the time of infection. The Nail penetrates deep into the nail plate, across the fracture capillary walls and pores, thus increasing the efficiency of the therapy. The film is formed immediately after application of the drug, warn of the arrival of oxygen to joseph, and depriving him of his breath. In addition, the tissue is protected from the external factors of the environment. Before the point of explaining and talking about the nail plate infected with onychomycosis therapeutics for the cure of the varnish, the surface is degreased with alcohol, piercing, or hydrogen peroxide, and parts of the fabric are treated with the advance disinfection are to take place in lima.
Factors that promote faster healing
How it would be effective, nor has it been selected as the tool of onychomycosis, it is best to manifest itself, prior to applying to carry out the provision of pre-processed areas. For this reason, you need to:
- to make the tray more than 3 liters of warm water, 50 grams of soup, soap, and 3 St's. l. soda;
- omit the hand or foot in the solution for about 15 minutes.
- steamed the nail to cut into the edge of a knife, to clean single pieces of the fragments, a special pair of pliers or a pumice stone;
- wash it again in the states, and wipe clean with a dry cloth.

Such handling is to be run every time before you apply the medicine on the infections. All of the active components to more easily and effectively penetrate into the deeper layers of the nail, which is more pronounced therapeutic effect. During the execution of onychomycosis baths, all play a supporting role, that is, they are of great importance. In addition to this, you must strictly comply with the rules of hygiene in order to avoid the possibility of samsarajade, and recurrent infections. To do this, the patient is recommended on a daily basis for a change of socks, boil them in the wash, you use objects that are disposable for the treatment of nails, regularly clean the shoes. In addition to this, the attention to nutrition. For example, if a disease is in a person that is caused by the candida nails, it has to be on a special diet, which prevents the reception of candies, white bread, yeast.
Posted in the joseph of the capuchin in children and pregnant and lactating women and the elderly
Onychomycosis, affects not only adults, but also children and the elderly, and women during pregnancy and breast-feeding. That is unsustainable in the immune system and the inability of the application to a wide range of drug money, seriously complicates the treatment of the nail bed of joseph, in these patients.
- for the children, and the elderly. The experts are trying to avoid the fate of the system and antifungal drugs. Especially the kids that are chosen to do this in the open air, abuse of drugs, and the tablets, and capsules, except in cases of extreme need, with the expectation that the dosage according to the weight and age of the child. These are the same restrictions that apply to the patients ' age.
- the future, and the breastfeeding mother. Antifungal agents the tools they are assigned to under the strict medical supervision. During this period, the experts are trying to limit the affect of the events, places, antimicotica, and recipes from folk medicine, to help stop the growth and multiplication of pathogens in onychomycosis. But when it comes down to the execution order of the process of the disease, the woman assigned to you by the system and the outside of the drug based on the duration of the pregnancy and the possible risk to the unborn baby.

The prevention of the execution of onychomycosis
Prevention of persistence of a fungal infection is based on the time to get into the establishment — and to do so at the first sign of a disease process. Comply with all recommendations of the doctor, which ensures a rapid recovery and restore the look and feel of the cards. For your nails to remain healthy, it is important to keep the clean socks and shoes, not walking barefoot in public places, apply talcum powder, or of special deodorants when it's excessive sweating to stop. In addition to this, you will need to pay attention to the box of tools, he is a master in the beauty salon before for a manicure and a pedicure. Ideally, it is best to have to your personal belongings. Every day, it is recommended that you wash your feet with soap.